hot writing micro niche

Tuesday 13 September 2016


In Africa and in many parts of the world, especially in Ghana, many men think and believe that a father is a man who has been able to impregnate a woman to give birth. Some go round hitting their chest to signify that “I am a father now” but is it true that making babies by impregnating a woman alone makes a man father? I do not think so.

Image result for father clipart


Biologically a father is the genetic contributor to the creation of a baby, through sexual intercourse. A father is a male figure, who provides structure, moral values blue print, vision, and purpose in a family.

A good father figure has the ability to project God’s image, and also increase the love for God’s moral standards in the earth. He is one that constitutes the psychological state of confidence. A leader who passes on an inheritance to his children.


A father has many roles to play all designed to enrich the lives of his children when these qualities are exhibited.

1.         A father is steady provider and works to see that his family has the necessities of life. He is a provider.

2.         PROTECTOR: - He does everything in his power to keep the family safe from that which would harm the family members physically, emotionally and spiritually.

3.         TEACHER: - He shares his knowledge to help his family members.

4.         FRIEND: - He shows kindness, compassion and interest in the children and family members.

5.         EXAMPLAR: - He shows by the way he lives. An example of what he stands for.

6.         DISCIPLINARIAN: - He helps the children learn proper boundaries and consequences

7.         SPIRITUAL LEADER: - He does his part to establish faith and belief in principles of accountability.

8.         TREATS HIS WIFE LIKE A QUEEN: - He shows love and respects and lives totally faithful to his wife. He shares the work load as a partner with his wife.

If every man does well to possess these qualities, they will never be forgotten on fathers ’day.


Becoming a father, you want to be is a journey of small steps. You are never too old to learn and change where it is needed. Look at the list above to see if you missed some point you think is important, and then make your own list. Use the list as a checklist to see where you are in this journey.

If there are a few course corrections needed, then begin with one area and make the small changes you need to get you to where you want to be. The changes may seem awkward at first and will require persistence. This is your personal journey.

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