hot writing micro niche

Tuesday 20 September 2016


The General Overseer of True Faith Church-Ghana, Senior Apostle John Owusu Achiaw, has appealed to Ghanaians across country, especially relevant stakeholders in the forthcoming elections should ensure that peace prevails.
According to him, the need for all Ghanaians to play their roles effectively to help the maintenance of the relative peace before, during and after this year’s Presidential and Parliamentary elections cannot be over emphasized.
Speaking exclusively to the Trust newspaper at Asuofua- Nketia in the Atwima Nwabiagya district in the Ashanti region, he said Ghanaians are peace loving people and having been living with one another before the various political parties.”As a man of God, what I can do is pray continuously and advised all and sundry to contribute to ensure violent free polls.
I believe that God will hear our prayers of a peaceful general elections and much depend on how Ghanaians in general especially the actors will conduct themselves. The senior Apostle and the fifth Leader of the True Faith Church-Ghana which has almost spread across the world urged the Electoral Commission (EC) especially the Chairperson.
Mrs. Charlotte Osei to conduct herself in a manner that would not create any wrong perception that she is in favour of Party A or B.”I am humbly appealing to the EC boss not to allow herself to be influenced with money by any political party but be bold and be a neutral referee so that even the losers and their supporters in the upcoming polls will accept their defeat or the outcome in a god faith.I am not in any way saying that, the EC boss will accept bribe but no one is above temptation”, he advised.

Apostle Achiaw also warned the various political parties and their Presidential and Parliamentary candidates and their supporters to desist from all acts that have the tendency to create confusion that will lead to bloodshed.
The Leader of True Faith Church-Ghana said “,I wish to urge our youth especially not to allow any politician, political party and all candidates to use them to create confusion before, during and after the December polls.We should all remember that we have been living together irrespective of one’s political affiliation, ethnic or religious background and the coming elections should not divide us. After all almost all leading politicians especially the Presidential candidates’ children are domiciled in abroad why should you shed blood for some one or a politician to win power?He also called on the media practitioners across the Country to be guided strictly by the ethics of the profession and be circumspect in their reportage

He warned the media practitioners not to allow their platforms to be used as a channel for confusion or spark and violence in the country before, during and after the general elections.” Don’t allow yourselves to be influenced with money by politicians to inflame passion. If we all play our roles positively and responsibly we will come out from this year’s elections more united” .

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