hot writing micro niche

Tuesday 20 September 2016


The Director of Electoral Service and Deputy Director of Electoral Service of the Electoral Commission on the 13th September 2016 conspired with Akwasi Addai Odike to arrest the General Secretary and Volta Regional Chairman of the United Progressive Party.
This occurred when the General Secretary, National Organizer, Volta Regional Chairman and other Executives of the Party went to the EC to pick the Presidential Nomination Form on behalf of the Party. But the Director of Electoral Service and Deputy Director of Electoral Service together with Odike and his son francis ganged up against the General Secretary, National Organizer and other Executives of the Party since Odike has allegedly bribed them to act in his favour.

Subsequently the EC gave the Presidential Nomination Form to Odike and his son at the disadvantage of the Executives of the Party.Meanwhile Odike has been dismissed from the Party on the 18th March 2016 and hence ceased to be the Flagbearer of the Party.The Party has submitted all the relevant documents to the EC about the dismissal of Odike from the UPP and equally published it in the National Newspapers.The EC has swept the law under the carpet and favoured Odike as they did in the 2012 general election at the disadvantage of Gyataba.Signed---Stephen Kwaku Saahene(National Organizer)054 630 5335/ 020 860 6974cc. Regional Chairmen of UPP

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