hot writing micro niche

Wednesday 14 September 2016


Image result for BOSOMTWE DCE
Information reaching your authoritative the Trust Newspaper indicates that, the District Chief Executive (DCE) for Bosomtwe constituency in the Ashanti region who is also 2016 National Democratic Congress (NDC) Parliamentary candidate for the area, hon.Vironica Antwi-Adjei will soon face “a vote of no confidence” following a petition filed by 19 out of the 50 Assembly members made up of 35 elected and 15 Government appointees.
The spokesperson for the concerned Assembly members in Bosomtwe District, hon,Kwame Derby told this paper that,they need 1/3 of the Assembly to be able to sign the petition before the Presiding Member(PM) can accept their petition but they were able to get 19 members which is more than 1/3 of the Assembly to sign the petition in line with the Act 462 section 17 of the Local Government Act.
According to him, the Presiding Member (PM) is expected to call a meeting for the consideration of their allegations within two weeks and before that, he needs to give them a week notice.
That when the meeting is called they suppose to get 2/3 of the Assembly members that is about 35 members present and voting in a secret ballot and he was hopeful that, they will succeed in their attempt to vote out the DCE because they have the support of other members who didn’t sign the petition. The petition was addressed to the Presiding Member (PM) of the Assembly dated 2nd September,2016 and  entitled “CONCERNED BOSOMTWE ASSEMBLY MEMBERS BOSOMTWE DISTRICT ASSEMBLY – KUNTANASE.PETITION TO SUMMON “A REQUESTED” ASSEMBLY MEETING.
The full petition is read ,”we the undersigned Honorable Assembly in pursuant to the Chapter 20 Article 243 sections 3(a) of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, the local government Act 1993 (Act 462) sections 4(a) and the Model Standing Orders for MMDA’s Part 4 section 17 (1) (2) and (3), which all gives the General Assembly to remove the DCE through the passage of vote of no confidence, wish to call on the Hon. Presiding member to call for a requested meeting (defined under part 22 section 78 of the Model Standing Orders of the house) for Honourable members of the house to decide through a secret ballot (Standing Order 17 (3)).Honorable members of the house seek to invoke these legal provisions following various allegations leveled against the District Chief Executive amongst are:1. The rising incompetency on the part of the District Chief Executive.2. The Assembly has been saddled with corrupt practices and the hijacking of contracts under Hon. Veronica Antwi Adjei.3. The continuous showing of gross disrespect to the some chiefs and the good people of Bosomtwe4. The approval of contracts without due diligence 5. Misapplication and Misappropriation of assembly’s resources.
These and many other matters relating to the development of the district serve as grounds for the calling for an immediate removal of the DCE Hon. Veronica Antwi Adjei through a vote of no confidence.   

Honorable members having ascertained the facts and evidences on the grounds by this undersigned letter wish to state that the Honorable DCE cannot and should not be a part of the Bosomtwe District Assembly composition hence forth. We therefore wish to in pursuant to Part 2 Section 4(b) and 17(3) of the Standing Orders call for A REQUESTED Assembly meeting in which we urge the entire house to rise and support the removal of the Hon. DCE from office through a passage of vote of no confidence”. Thanks. Signed on behalf of all petitioners by:Hon. Okatakyie NKWANTA, Michael (0245 119 098)Esreso East Electoral Area and Planning Sub-Committee convener, on. Terence Kwame Darby (0270 611 885),Feyiase Akoyem Electoral Area, Stephen Kofi Afram (0272 454 949)Abono Electoral AreaNB: Find in the attachment the list of names and contacts of all petitioners.Cc. Ashanti Regional Minister, District Chief Executive, District Coordinating Director, Electoral Commission- Kuntanase, the District Police Command as well as all media houses

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