hot writing micro niche

Monday 21 November 2016


Political prophecies have been in existence since the creation of this world. God has used prophets in the affairs of nations from the bible days till today. The days when the bible was the constitution of many nations, prophets were very relevant in the building of many nations.
Many were killed by rulers or kings who were not happy because their prophecies were not in their favour. John the Baptist was beheaded because his prophecies were always against the king’s evil ways.

The reason why prophetic declarations in this constitutional and democratic era, looked as if it is out of place is the fact that, we have freedom of worship and Ghana is not officially a Christian nation, where the bible is the main constitution, as is done in many Islamic nations.

I want to establish this fact that it is not evil or wrong, for a prophet to makes a declaration by the inspiration of God. The reason why there is so much noise when a prophet or any man of God declares something concerning the nation or the leadership of the nation is the way some men of God, go about their prophetic declarations.


Should prophets use press conferences to convey their prophetic messages? Every prophecy has a direction. The message of the prophet is for a specific purpose. It may be a message for a person, a leader or a nation.

Now if the prophecy is directed these directions, should the prophet use press conference or the media to deliver the message?


When God speaks to a prophet, the message is directed to be given to specific people, and it must be sent to them as instructed by the Holy Spirit.

When King David sinned against God, God spoke to the prophet Nathan to go and speak to him. The prophet went to the king directly and spoke to him. Because the message was for him. (2Samuel 12:1-7).

In 2Kings 6:8-9 when the king of Syria planned to attack Israel, the plot was revealed to Elisha. Elisha did not use press conference to deliver the message, he sent the message to whom the message was meant for and that was the king of Israel.

In Jonah 3:4 when the whole nation of Nineveh sinned against God, God sent prophet Jonah to go and warn them. He followed the instruction as God gave him to declare the message. He went directly to the people and declared the message.


Some prophets are using the media to declare their messages became they want to be famous. If they say it in public and the prophecy come to pass, it will let people know that he is powerful. Many of them, it is a strategy to draw more people to their camp.

The other point is immaturity. The gift of the Holy spirit is operated with wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge correctly. Every prophetic message has a specific direction by which it should be delivered. Let prophets deliver their message in the right direction. The nation needs the prophets, so they should not operate in a way where people will speak evil of their good works and be despised.

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