hot writing micro niche

Friday 4 November 2016


The Trust Newspaper has gathered that, the over 400 customers of the defunct Noble Dreams Micro Finance Ltd in Kumasi, the Ashanti regional capital are lacing their boots to storm Bank of Ghana (BOG) with a massive demonstration as party of lists of strategies to get their savings back.
To this end, the leadership of the aggrieved customers of the Noble Dreams has given a two weeks ultimatum to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Financial Institution to come out from his hiding place and meet them with plans to refund their savings back as a matter of urgency or face their wrath.
They are also calling on the Government through the Bank of Ghana (BOG) to intervene like they have done for the customers of the DKM else, after two weeks ultimatum given to the Directors of the Noble Dreams Micro Finance Ltd if nothing meaningful come out, the aggrieved customers will embark on series of demonstrations until they get their savings back.
Speaking to Mr.Joshua Larbi, the spokesperson of the aggrieved Noble Dreams Micro Finance Customers, he lamented that, for about five years now since the company collapsed all amicable efforts to get their savings back have proven futile and now the CEO of Noble Dreams is no where to be found and sadly Bank of Ghana which is the supervising body has also kept quiet but is seriously working to get a re-fund for the customers of DKM in the Brong Ahafo and other parts of the country.
Mr.Larbi said the delay and failure in payment on the part of the authorities of the financial institution has been a big blow to their lives as well as their families.
He therefore threatened that, the only alternative left to them after the two weeks grace period is for all the customers to call upon their Gods and definitely those who believed in the river deities will resort to the invoking of Antoa –Nyama among other gods upon the CEO and all those whose actions and inactions led to the lost of their savings.
According to him, the over 400 customers in Kumasi alone saving which has locked up with Noble Dreams Micro Finance Ltd  rounds to several thousands of Ghana cedis which has led to the death of a number of the affected customers after several attempts to get their savings back failed.

He confirmed that, a number of the aggrieved customers have vowed to invoke curses on the CEO and BOG officials should they fail to act after the two weeks ultimatum.

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