hot writing micro niche

Tuesday 22 November 2016


The New Trust Newspaper has intercepted heartbreaking video evidence   by the Illuminator Investigation team and their foreign counterparts over $ 10 billion Libyan funds domiciled in Ghana which the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) is refusing to return after several diplomatic means adopted by the Libyan Government’s Consultants to get their money back.
The first part of the Video which is about 30 minutes set to be screened live on the major Television Stations in the country, shows how the Libyan’s Government Consultants even managed to lobby through a powerful traditional ruler in Ghana, who according to the video is said to have confirmed knowledge of how the $ 10 billion Libyan fund landed in Ghana to get President Mahama led administration returned the fund but have since proven futile.
The Libyan Government’s Consultants who seem frustrated by the feet dragging by the President Mahama Government to return the money domiciled in Ghana during the era of late President Muammar Gaddafi, has dropped the hint of recommending to the Libyan Government to drag Ghana Government to the International Criminal Court to compel the NDC Government to return their money.
One of the Libyan Government Consultants who spoke through an interpreter in the video said even the brother of the President, Mr.Peter Mahama was consulted about the matter to facilitate meeting with  President Mahama to help ensure amicable settlement but that, also failed to yield any fruitful results.
He recounted also that, after all attempts have failed and they went back to draw the attention of the said traditional ruler, he told them that, President Mahama described the whole things as “419” hence he  has no more interest in the matter again.
But the Consultant and his Ghanaian interpreter who wept uncontrollably in the video when he tried to recall back the experience he went through when the National Security of Ghana invited him over the matter, disclosed that, his visa was even ceased by the National Security operative only to be returned back to him after his insistence that, no one has authority to cease another persons’ Visa unless an order by the Court.
He said in the video that,” if they said the whole issue is 419 scam let them arrest us and send us to court and we would provide evidence that, the $10 Libyan Funds is domiciled in Ghana”.
They also hinted that, part of the funds rapped in polygene bags are missing and is either the current Ghana Government has spent the money or part of the money that is why they are refusing to return it because a number of countries including France have returned theirs.
Meanwhile, Mr.Spider, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Illuminator Investigators when contacted about the video, hinted The New Trust Newspaper that, the Illuminator investigators are coming out very soon with the first part of a story entitled "LYBYAN FUNDS DOMICILED IN GHANA, NDC GOVERNMENT REFUSING TO RELEASE THE MONEY".

Mr.Spider said “the story Ghanaians are about to be told is one of money laundering, fraud, official cover up, collusion and connivance. This is all in a chase after some billions of dollars allegedly laundered into Ghana by elements in the Gaddafi regime with the help and facilitation of some high ranking government officials and a prominent traditional ruler and the attempt by the government of Ghana to conceal information regarding the existence of the money in Ghana.  
According to him, the Illuminator has intercepted documents revealing the existence of billions of United States dollars belonging to the people of Libya, hidden and concealed by the government of Ghana in Accra, five years after the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi. The money is said to be a total of about ten (10) billion US dollars, parked and wrapped in plain polythene bags, arranged in boxes and labeled “CRYSTAL” and kept in an unknown location in Accra under National Security protection.  
He said documents emanating from the National Transitional Council (NTC) of Libya uncovered how the interim government in September 2012, wrote to demand the assistance of the Ghanaian authorities to retrieve and repatriate to Libya, billions of dollars laundered and hidden in Ghana by the Gaddafi regime.
Before his overthrow, Gaddafi and elements in his government with the help and connivance of some African governments, business men, military officials and in some cases high ranking traditional rulers successfully stashed away billions of hard-cash in dollar currency notes in four (4) West African countries with the aim of falling on the money in the event he escaped from Libya. The four West African countries include Ghana, Guinea, Cameroon and Nigeria.
Shortly before he died, Gaddafi is reported by The Panama papers to have sold a fifth of Libya’s gold reserves, and most of the proceeds from this sale are still missing.
After the overthrow of Gaddafi’s regime, The UN backed ‘National Transitional Council of Libya’ established a committee called, ‘Committee for the Retrieval and Redemption of Funds Abroad’. This committee was essentially charged to investigate, trace and take steps to retrieve all stolen assets and funds belonging to the people of Libya, stolen or illegally domiciled in any foreign nation.
He urged Ghanaians to watch out for how the government of Ghana under the leadership of His Excellency John Dramani Mahama has gone quite on the matter and has deliberately concealed information on the money from the Libyan authorities, journalists, the Ghanaian public and the international community. The PRO said the Illuminator will reveal under cover footages to prove the existence of the money in Ghana and how some Spanish consultants have been working to retrieve the money since 2013. “The illuminator will also reveal how National security operatives providing security for the money led some Lebanese to inspect the money with the intention of taking delivery of it. The illuminator will take you through a series of documents revealing how a prominent traditional ruler is neck deep in this money laundering scandal. We will also expose how the government of Ghana has deliberately decided to keep this money on the blind side of every one including the people of Ghana and the international community. 

In what appears to be a chase for stolen Libyan funds on one hand and on the other hand a frantic effort to conceal and deny access to the money  by the government of Ghana, the Illuminator will usher you into a story that sounds like fiction to the ear but in reality, a very real and living story”.

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