hot writing micro niche

Wednesday 9 November 2016


The year’s general elections is just around the corner, there have been series of advice from well meaning Ghanaians with regard to conducts to ensure peaceful polls, the latest has been Nana Asare Bediako Atipimsafohene.
Speaking exclusively with this paper, he said that a candidate who will win the election especially the Presidential race is not more important but the one who can put pragmatic measures in place to alleviate the burdens of the entire Ghanaians.
He said there have been so many pressing issues confronting the good people of Ghana and that this is the time Ghana needs such a leader to put smiles on the face of every citizenry.
According to Nana Asare Bediako, the challenges are ranging from education, poor road networks, unemployment and others.
He advised who ever wins the 2016 polls to see unemployment situation as a priority and come out with mechanism so as to help the youth to get better jobs to do.

He was with the view that, the unemployment among the youth have given the rise to social vices like armed robbery, stealing and gambling.The Atipimsafohene said Ghana belongs to all and for that matter national cake must be share equally irrespective of political affiliation and ethnic background.”The money for Ghana belonged to all and that we should use part to create the jobs for our suffering youth”,he added.

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