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Wednesday 9 November 2016


The Chief of Sabin- Akrofom, Nana Osei Kofi has advised body builders not to allow themselves to be used by politicians as a tool of violence in the forthcoming general elections slated for 7th December,2017.
The chief who is a peace-friendly made the appeal during a peace and security workshop organized by Amaasghana for body builders in the Ashanti region.
Nana Osei Kofi said, for some time now politicians have taken the right and lives of body builders for granted using them to perpetrate mayhem during elections through snatching of ballot boxes but, it is time for them to re-born and wash out the negative impression that body builders are violent people in the society.
He also cautioned the public especially, the Christian Council, the Muslim community, the priesthood, traditional authorities to use the much awaiting elections to promote peace and unity among the people.
The Chief believe that, if all Ghanaians were to put their hands on deck and contribute their quota devoid of confusion, the forthcoming general elections will be free, fair and transparent.
According to him, Ghanaians cannot afford to take the peace God has granted the nation for granted but all and sundry should contribute their quota or efforts to help maintain the relative peace prevailing in the country before, during and after the polls. Chief of Sabin-Akrofrom Commended Amass Ghana for Its Peace and Security Workshop
Chief of Sabin-Akrofrom, Nana Osei Kofi has commended Amass Ghana for organizing a Peace and Security workshop for bodybuilder in Ashanti region ahead of the December 7, polls. He said Amass Ghana has hit the nail right on the head thereby targeting macho men at this crucial time. “As a Peace Advocacy Organization, I believe it falls within your goals and objectives to organize events but this peace and security workshop’s timing is perfect and I pray you get the needed support to extend your tentacles.”  
He lauded Amass Ghana for playing a part in making sure that peace is maintained in Ghana. “Your contribution to peace has never gone unnoticed, so keep doing what you do best” he charged.
Nana Osei Kofi however noted that, macho men has always been used by politicians to foment trouble in most of our previous elections and is of the view that, routine sensitization will put them on guard and prevent any unforeseen circumstances from dawning on us as a country. “Elections can only be successful when the masses are prepped and enlightened on electoral issues” he added.
“Most of troublesome macho men do things out of ignorance but once they are educated on the dos and don’ts, they swap from troublesome to peacemakers”, he opined.

Nana Osei Kofi who chaired the function charged bodybuilders across the country to remain peace abiding citizens in the impending polls, in other to change public perception of macho men being violent people. 

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