hot writing micro niche

Thursday 15 December 2016


Dr. Kingsley Nyarko, together with Mr. Owusu Agyabeng, Mr. Daniel Agyenim Boateng, the Ashanti regional deputy regional organizer, and Mens Darko organized a 2-day training program and campaign on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th November, 2016 at Sekyere Afram Plains as part of efforts to ensure a convincing victory for Nana Addo and Joseph Gyamfi Owusu, affectionately called Odenkyem, the parliamentary candidate.
Together with Mr. Seth Asenso, the constituency secretary, they visited the following communities: Drobonso, Wenamda, Hamidu, Mosipanin, Tuntum, among others. In all the communities visited, the people are yearning for change due to the bad governance by the Mahama administration, and the positive impact the NPP parliamentary candidate has made on their lives via developmental projects and personal life improvements.
According to them, although they have been voting for the NDC since the advent of the 4th Republic, their living condition is worsening each passing day. They indicated that the NDC under president Mahama represents pain, economic hardship, joblessness, hopelessness, and a bleak future for their children.

They believe, however, that, a vote for Nana Addo will lead to a positive change in their living conditions since more jobs will be created to help them cater for their children, most of whom are jobless. They are happy about the one district one factory, free SHS, one district one hospital programs as well as the numerous policies and visions of the NPP. They are persuaded that, based on the beneficial and critical social intervention programs implemented during the Kufuor administration, another chance offered Nana Addo and the NPP will lead to a positive transformation in their lives, communities and the nation.

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