hot writing micro niche

Sunday 18 December 2016


As part of rebranding the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) and getting the media to carry the Assembly's messages to the citizens to enable more participation, a day’s workshop on the structure of the Local Government System and Resource mobilization has been held at SSNIT conference hall,Kumasi.
The Ashanti Regional Minister who doubles as Acting Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) Chief Executive called on the media practitioners in the country especially those in Ashanti Region to focus more on the local government sector.
He said the need for the media to take key interest and continue to educate themselves well about the Local governance and the decentralization policy among other areas in order to educate their audience cannot be overemphasized.
“I am challenging you (media) to study hard in this sector and aspire to become future experts of local governance.
The former Obuasi Municipal Chief Executive who is also 2016 NDC Parliamentary candidate for Obuasi west entreated the media practitioners to put their hands on deck to help the various MMDAs in the region to promote development in all their endeavours.
In his presentation, Dr.Eric Oduro Osae of Institute of Local Government Studies (ILGS)  which focused on history of Local Government and decentralization in Ghana, Rational-new local government system, legal framework-local governance in Ghana, structure-new local government system, functions responsibility of functionaries in Ghana’s local government system.
Dr.Osae challenged the media to partner with the KMA as government just as they do with Parliament, office of the President and the courts; report allowable proceedings and decisions of the general assembly in collaboration with the office of the Coordinating Director.
“Help in rebranding KMA  and solicit citizens participation in governance ,help bring governance closer to the people of Kumasi and carry messages to the national level on the needs of the Assembly for urgent attention due to wide coverage”, he urged.
Dr.Osae mentioned that, the vision of KMA is to become a safe city and investment destination for both local and international with the mission to improve the quality of life of the people in the metropolis through the provision of essential services and creation of enabling environment for all etc.
He asserted that any District Assembly which jokes with the media is in trouble and urged all MMADs, especially the KMA to do well in their partnership with the media at all time.
The Local Government expert said the Members of Parliament (MPs) will no longer be part or members of the MMDAs effective 2017 when the new law implementation takes off because findings indicate that they don’t attend meetings and even when they attend most of them don’t contribute to the Assembly. To this end there is urgent need for the MMDAs to endeavour to deepen their relationship with the media to help in educating the public especially in the area of participation, revenue mobilization among other areas.
He appealed to the media to focus more in the local government sector as part of measures of making to ensure that the decentralization works effectively. According to Dr.Eric Oduro Osei, for the assemblies to ensure the effective functioning of the unit committee which are most closers to the people cannot be overemphasized to ensure development as well as check and balances.
Mr.Pat Hagan, a former Ashanti Regional National Development Planning Officer on his part urged the media to intensify education on the need for the citizens to honour their tax obligations since the sharing of the Common fund is based on five factors with one been common factor where about 50% of the fund is share across all Assemblies, need factor,service pressure factor, responsive factor – the more Internal Generated Funds(IGF) the more IGF you collect the more Common fund .
Mr.Aseidu the Regional Budget Officer charged the media practitioners to also identify more potential revenue sources to enable KMA and other Assemblies to maximize the assemblies’ mobilization drive.

He also called for change of attitude on the part of the all Ghanaians to honour their civil responsibility especially the paying of taxes, fees, rate etc

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