hot writing micro niche

Sunday 21 August 2016


With barely three months to the 7th December,2016 general elections, the various Political Parties and their flagbearers have been given a 3 week ultimatum to launch their manifestoes to Ghanaians or face series of mass demonstrations.
This ultimatum was contained in a press statement issued and jointly signed by Boakye Yiadom  (President) and Wisdom Buer  (Secretary) of Concerned Youth of Sekyere Afram Plains in the Ashanti region respectively.
The full statement reads “we the members of the Concerned Youth of Sekyere Afram Plains find it prudent to issue a three-week ultimatum to both the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the largest opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) to launch their manifestos or we will join a coalition of youth associations in the country to embark on demonstrations upon demonstrations against these two major parties. We have noted with utmost concern that since Constitutional Rule began in 1992, though we have had a number of political parties in the practice of multi-party democracy; it has been only the NDC and NPP that have been in power.
This means that they are the two parties that have majority of Ghanaians in their books. Manifestos of political parties are believed to develop the mental framework of the electorates, helping them to know the policies of these parties that have greater positive impacts on national development, based on which they could convincingly vote for any of these parties.
But it is disgratifying and insipid to also note that with a few months to the December general elections, both the NDC and NPP have taken the Ghanaian electorates for granted. They have not launched their manifestos.
Are they waiting to launch their manifestos on the Election Day? Or they want to do that on the eve of the Election Day? Answers to these are as significant as it may sound
Though political parties like the Independent People's Party (IPP) and the United Progressive Party (UPP), have launched their manifestos; we are of the firm belief that if the two major parties - NDC and NPP - do not launch theirs, it will plunge the electorates into a state of indecision.
It is only when the two parties including other parties have made public their manifestos that can the electorates decide on which party to vote for. The December 2016 elections are imminent and we cannot sit aloof for NDC and NPP to waste time on their manifesto launch.

We give them three weeks to do something or we will join sister youth groups to hit all the streets of the country in demonstrations upon demonstrations.

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