hot writing micro niche

Wednesday 31 August 2016


Image result for Asante Akim NDC supporters

The Trust newspaper has intercepted a statement from the Asante Akim South constituency with its capital at Juaso in the Ashanti region, constituency executives and the supporters have jumped to the defence of Hon.De-graft Forkuo, the District Chief Executive (DCE) of the area who doubles as 2016 Parliamentary candidate for NDC in the December polls.
The statement entitled, “THE NEW CRUSADING GUIDE'S ATTEMPT TO DERAIL THE CREDIBILITY OF OUR HARDWORKING DCE/PC - HON DE-GRAFT FORKUO AND THE NDC WON'T WASH”, was jointly signed byAlex Ohemeng- Constituency Chairman,John Sly - Constituency Secretary ,Babs Haruna -Constituency Deputy Youth Organiser ,Hon Abass Mubarak Abass- Dep Regional Zongo Caucus Secretary,Baba Raje- Constituency Scribe- Zongo Caucus  and Shaibu Salifu- Deputy Secretary respectively.
The full statement reads, “We burst with disheartenment the unfortunate caption *"Asante Akim South DCE promotes "Skirt and Blouse" Voting*. “in The New Crusading Guide Newspaper dated Monday 22nd Aug 2016.

The Outfit of Constituency Youth Wing wish to on behalf of the entire Constituency Executives and Membership in the Asante Akim South Condemn, demystify, as well as disparage the calculated Diabolism Orchestrated against our enviable, hardworking, selfless and action driven DCE/PC God (Allah) has blessed the District/Constituency with.
As it is evident in Ghana, Africa and World at large, Our DCE/ MP-in-waiting has been rated The Best Performing DCE in Ghana Some few months ago by USAID in conjunction with some other reputable organizations in the world and was published in the Daily Graphic news paper for full glaring of every Ghanaian and the world at large and has gone way beyond these kinds of Mischievous posture exhibited by Kwaku Baako who is a known sympathizer of NPP.
Hon De Graft Forkuo has never believed in Skirt and Blouse Voting and has always cautioned the members about the irrelevance of such pattern of vote and has always admonished them not to tow through that tangent because without President Mahama and NDC government, he (Hon Forkuo) will be deemed irrelevant in the district and Ghana at large." Of what Importance is Gold to a Man dying of Thirst on a desert? Hon. Forkuo therefore will never shrink down into mud with those he (Hon Forkuo) thinks are doing injustice to the good people of Ghana.We therefore entreat and admonish all well meaningful Ghanaians to ignore the fallacious agenda and treat it as trash.We wish to Assure President Mahama and the Leadership of NDC that Hon De-Graft Forkuo together with His Constituency Executives and a teaming Youth are working tirelessly to Increase H.E. John Dramani Mahama's votes with a commanding margin as well as Taking over the Parliamentary Seat From the incompetent Asante Boateng.Lies can't win. The National Transformation and Lives Changing Agenda shall Win. Adwumapawura nie, Mahama nie! No Abaabase in 2016 election! Still Edey Bee k3k3