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Tuesday 23 August 2016

Declares 3-day demonstration over ECG concession for ECG Privitasation-PUWU.

Addressing a news conferecne Tuesday in Accra, Deputy General Secretary of PAWU Michael Nyantakyi said desite PAWU's oppostion to the concession, government is pressing ahead to release the company to a private organisation.

According to him, the concession is not the best option to bring reforms to make ECG more efficient and profitable.
He said: "This policy is not the best option to bring reforms to make ECG more efficient and profitable. We have already articulated our views and suggestions in our position paper to MiDA and the ministry of power.
"Unfortunately, the government of Ghana with tacit pressure from the MCC of America is still pushing this agenda despite all the negative implications for our country and it citizens/
"To buttress our resolve and determination to resist this privatisation process, the leadership of the workers have decided that there will be a three-hour demonstration in the regional and district offices of the ECG every morning from tomorrow Wednesday 24 August from 8am to 11am until Friday 26 August.
'The red flags will continue to fly until further notice and further activities will be carried out at appropriate times."

The Public Utility Workers Union (PUWU) has initiated a three-day nationwide demonstration in protest of a government decision to release the Electricity Company of Ghana to a concessionaire.

The government is set to lease ECG to a private company for 25 years as part of the second compact of the Millennium Challenge Account signed by the Government in August 2014.
The concession has come under intense opposition from ECG workers and the Trades Union Congress.
The novelty of the demonstration is that workers across the regional and district offices of the ECG will embark on a three-hour sitdown from 8am to 11am starting Wednesday, August 24 to Friday, August 26.

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