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Tuesday 23 August 2016

"new"Brash and Controversial men of God in Ghana.

Bishop Daniel Kwame Kissi Bonegas, Founder and Overseer of the Great Fire Pentecostal International Ministry is currently one of the hottest men of God in the capital.
His visage is everywhere from giant billboards to the sides of public transportation and is responsible for a revival of televangelism. Bonegas has grown a massive following with his unique combination of charismatic preaching and a love for larger than life crusades that go on for days.
He is also a renowned miracle worker.

Bonegas was recently  investigated for allegedly engaging a policeman for guard duties presumably to protect his expensive belongings but denied the claims.
Bishop Bonegas is always looking dapper in suits of different colours and designs and is reported to own a sizeable fleet of very expensive cars.
Rev. Isaac Osei BonsuMoments of Glory Prayer Army (MOGPA)
“Ablaze… For God!” That is the slogan of Moments of Glory Prayer Army (MOGPA), led by Rev Isaac Osei-Bonsu, a fellowship that has taken Ghana's christendom  by storm and is responsible for the largest monthly gathering of worshippers in the country.
The brother of businessman, Kwabena Kesse (Kessben), is a servant of God with acumen in God’s word and has been in the Lord’s Vineyard since 1995 till now. He is also a man of prayer and has a great passion for the lost souls. Because he acts according to the directions of the Holy Spirit, his ministry is an embodiment of signs and wonders. Rev. O. B was born in Kumasi and had his secondary education at Prempeh College Ghana and then pursued a degree in Theology from the North Western Christian University. He also has an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies from Covenant Theological Seminary, and a Diploma in Biblical Studies from International School of Ministry all in the USA.
His monthly prayer conferences which filled the Kumasi Sports Stadium are now held at Abrankese. So popular are these prayer conferences that thousands of followers who are unable to make the trips to the venue are encouraged to follow live via radio and TV broadcast.
His congregation are easily identified by their customized wrist- band, hair- bands, watches, shirts and other products which they believe have the potency to do diverse miracles for them.
Bishop Dr. Daniel Obinim
Bishop Dr. Daniel Obinim - Founder, International God's Way Church

He is constantly in the news for his mind- boggling miracles. The most current is when he caressed a church member's penis to heal him of impotence.
In a country where religion really is the opium of the masses, several men of God have appeared who have captured the hearts and minds of their teeming congregates with awe inspiring miracles and an absolute mastery of delivery of the gospel.
Some have stood the test of time and are still relevant while some have also faded out as what can now best be described as an industry that attracts a whole gamut of colorful characters.
News- takes a look at the current breed of brash, flamboyant and super wealthy men of God who are making headlines for all kinds of reasons.

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