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Tuesday 2 August 2016

Kwame Mayor says-Rawlings is right

Kwame Mayor, who is now smoking Peace-Pipe with Rawlings, but (not) Ganja, said the only Moral, and Ethical Public Execution Rawlings carried out was when he executed his own fellow (PNDC Terrorists) who savagery assassinated the innocent Martyred Judges, and savagery burned the bodies of the Martyred Judges in 1982

" However, Rawlings, and Boakye Djan's executions of former Heads of State, and Army Generals, were not only Savagery, but serious Crimes against Humanity", said the Fair-Minded Kwame Mayor.

" I never knew that Ghana's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Education, and Minister of Gender, who are supposed to act as Civilized African Mothers who respect Sanctity of Life, are endorsing Montie FM Talibans who threatened to kill innocent Justices, and some of the Terrorists indirectly, or directly, threatened to rape the respected Female Chief Justice Mrs Georgina Wood, and I also never knew that Dr Nyarho Tamakloe, who is supposed to act as a reasonable African man with Moral, and Ethical Values, was a hidden June 4th Terrorist, inside NPP to bring divisions; and a danger to America's Noble ideals, 
Montie 3 need Mental Check-ups --- says Kwame Mayor

Former Ghana's Military Junta Leader, J.J. Rawlings is right that "Those Signing Montie 3 Petition Must be Taken to the Psychiatric For Mental Check-ups" --- says Kwame Mayor, who has also described Montie 3 as (Talibans), and all those signing Petition to free the Montie 3 Taliban Terrorists, whether in Ghana, USA, or anywhere around the World are pure Evil Alqueda, and ISIS (oriented) Terrorists, absolutely un-educated, semi-educated illiterates, educated illiterates, and dangerous Anti-American Terrorists who did not disclose their Terrorists' backgrounds upon entering United States, Europe, and other Civilized Countries fighting Global Terrorism --- that they committed serious Human Rights abuses, and were AFRC / June 4th Terrorists, as well as Satanic Spies !!!; and furthermore, they are dangerous Enemies of United States, Enemies of Ghana, and Global Terrorists !!!, who must be watched 24 hours by White House / Pentagon, and United Nations (U.N.) for their Pre-Meditated plots to commit Crimes against Humanity in Ghana.
And ideas of Democracy, Freedom, and Liberty, (since he is strangely supporting the Montie FM Talibans who threatened to kill their fellow Human Beings"), said Kwame Mayor

" Dr Nyarho Tamakloe, who has now openly proven to the whole World that he supports Montie 3 Terrorists' (Talibans), should learn Civilization of Democracy, Freedom, Liberty; Tribal Unity, Ethnic Unity, and National Unity from Civilized Mr Perry Okudzeto, and from Iconic Living Legend, Lawyer Sam Okudzeto, who knows something, next to something !!! --- unlike "those who know nothing, next to nothing", said the Pan-Africanist Politician, one of the World's Intellectual Giants at the turn of the New Millennium
"Those who are signing the Pentition to free Montie 3 Terrorists are Terrorists, who should be monitored 24 hours by the White House ---- the Leader of the Free World, "Coalition of the Willing", and United Nations (U.N.), said Kwame Mayor, the Architect of the published "Preventive Genocide Bill" he sent Electronically to the White House, United Nations (U.N), at the time Mr Kofi Annan was the Secretary-General; Los Angeles Times, New York Times, GNA, Ghanaweb, and to Ghana's Parliament where his private Bill was stamped by the Office of the Parliamentary Clerk.

+++ ---> (Related News !!!)--->

August 1, 2016

Montie 3 are Talibans --- Kwame Mayor tells (Klasik Radio Station, based in Atlanta, USA)
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---> Also listen Online : KLASIK RADIO/KLASIK TV

The News !!! --->

Montie 3, who threatened the lives of Ghana's Supreme Court Justices, are Talibans --- Kwame Mayor, a Social Commentator on Atlanta, USA based Klasik Radio, told listeners of (Klasik's) Critical Thinking program, hosted by Nana Kyei Baffoe
Kwame Mayor, the Architect of published Strategic ideas of "Erecting Statutes for the Martyred Judges", by Ghanaian News Media, esoecially Ghanaweb.Com --- (before the ungrateful former President Kufuor's government plagiarized, or stole his idea, which Mr Kwabena Agyepong, whose Father was amoung the assassinated Judges admitted on Fox FM Kwame Adinkrah's show that he truly read Kwame Mayor's published idea of "Erecting Statutes for the Martyred Judges) --- and before Judicial Council erected the Statutes for the Martyred Judges ---- furthermore, Kwame Mayor, whose strategic idea of changing the name of "Annual Celebration of the Murdered Judges" into Martyrs Holiday --- told Host of Klasik Radio's Critical Thinking program that all those who are collecting Signatures to pardon the Montie 3 Talibans, are themselves Terrorists, who would have collected signatures on behalf of Osama Bin Laden, the World's number one Terrorist.
Using Literature's Metaphor, the Sophisticated Scholar explained to Ghanaians what one of the Montie 3 Terrorists' Talibans, Alistair was quoted as saying that he knows one Nash who would "marry Chief Justice, Mrs Georgina Wood, during war for her to see !!!" ---- which clearly means that the Terrorist(s) wanted to use the "F" word, which is an American slang, or the spelling "Fuck", or rape Ghana's Female Chief Justice, Mrs Georgina Wood

These dangerous June 4th Talibans, bred by Rawlings, and Boakye Djan's Terrorists' Revolution, who have grown up to become Montie FM Talibans, are remnants of the June 4th Terrorists' Revolution which savagery executed former Head of State, Okatakyie Akwasi Amankwaa Afrifa, not because he was an Asante, (but just because he was an Asante !!!), and the same Sub-Human, and Sub-Animal AFRC, Terrorists who savagery executed Rear Admiral Joy Yao Amedume, and Emmanuel Utuka, innocent Ewes, (just because they were Good Friends of innocent Asantes), and moreover, the same Sub-Human,
 and Sub-Animal June 4th Terrorists who savegery executed Roger Felli, an innocent Northener, (just because he was a Good Friend of innocent Asantes, and other innocent Akans), and moreover, the same Alqueda, and ISIS June 4th Revolution Terrorists who savagery executed Bob Kotei, an innocent Ga, and also, savagery assassinated the only brave Supreme Military Council (SMC) member, Odartey Wellington, an innocent Ga, (just because they [Bob Kotei, and Odartey Wellington], were Good Friends of innocent Asantes, and other innocent Akans)

The Sophisticated Intellectual publicly advised Ghana's Parliament, Supreme Court, Police, Detectives, and Attorney General on Klasik Radio's Critical Thinking program, on how to have handled the Montie 3 Talibans' Terrorism --- saying that Parliament should have passed the Private Stamped Bill he submitted to Parliamentary Clerk that called for "Preventive Genocide Bill", and also, Parliament should enact Laws against Hate-Speech, and Laws against Terrorism, so that when these Laws are violated, Police can arrest the Offenders, Detectives would investigate, submit their recommendations to the Attorney 
General, the Attorney General would prosecute the Offenders, and the Offenders would be hauled before the Court of Jurisdiction.

" It"s a free advise, even though I am not a Presidential Advisor", said "Osagyefo Dr" Kwame Mayor, one of the World's Most Sophisticated Intellectuals at the turn of the New Millennium, who was once offered Conditional Admission to Ivy League's Yale Law School, but accepted admission to study Mphil at London School of Economics --- (unfortunately, withdrawing his admission to LSE, because PNDC Terrorists' regime discriminated against him from obtaining Commonwealth Scholarship, which LSE advised him to apply) --- hence returning to his equally prestigious Alma Mater, University of Southern California (USC) --- the same University Legendary Neil Armstrong, the first Man to land on the Moon attended
Kwame Mayor predicted July 30, 2016, on the Atlanta, Georgia, USA based (Klasik Radio), which Ghanaian Listeners around the World are always priveleged to listen to Intellectual discussions on Critical Thinking program, hosted by Nana Kyei Baffoe, and Klasik Radio's PowerHouse program, hosted by Daddy Kay --- that His Excellency, John Dramani Mahama will absolutely (not) sign the Petitions signed by Terrorists to free the Montie 3 Terrorists' (Talibans), because President Mahama is an "intelligent Human Being, and a Believer in the principles of Democracy" --- unless he is proven wrong.
Ironically, for almost one year, His Excellency John Dramani Mahama has still (not) responded to Kwame Mayor's Patriotic, and Civilized request to the President to allow him to campaign, or volunteer for Ghana in his "Inclusive Government" --- compelling the Pan-Africanist Living Legend in his own right --- the "People's Politician", to return to his CPP Roots, where he wants either Ms Samia Nkrumah, the daughter of Ghana's first President, Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, to be selected as CPP Vice Presidential Candidate, despite the fact that Samia is running for the Jomoro seat where she will surely win in a free, and fair election ---- or, CPP should select him ("Kwame Mayor") , as the first Native Asante Vice Presidential Candidate of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah's CPP --- since NDC has (never) selected any Asante as their Flagbearer, or Vice Presidential Candidate, and neither has NDC ever selected a Civilian Ewe, or a Ga as their Presidential Candidate, or Vice Presidential Candidates
(Rawlings, who is half Ewe, and half Scottish Neo-Colonialist, as he (Rawlings refers to innocent White Brothers, and Sisters by labelling them as "Neo-Colonialists" --- became Flagbearer of NDC through Coup d'Etat)

On the other hand, NPP has (never) given Equal Opportunity to any Ewe, Ga, or Northerner to become their Flagbearer, and neither has NPP ever selected an Ewe, or Ga as their Vice Presidential Candidates. NPP has though given Equal Opportunity to Northerners as Vice Presidential Candidates, but next time, NPP should select Mr Perry Okudzeto, an Ewe, and Dr Mahamadou Bahumia as Presidential Candidates, (but Bahumia should refrain from "Religious Politics"), said Kwame Mayor, Great Grandson of Asante War Generals from Adonteng Puduo Royal Family ---> from Kente weaving Village of Bamang, near the famouse Kente weaving Villages of Bonwire, and Amaape, (the historical, and legitimate Occupants of Asanteman's Adontenghene Chieftaincy Stool), who courageously led all Ashantis' Glorious wars against Colonialism, and Imperialism, perpetuated on African Soil by "our British White Brothers, and Sisters".

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