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Monday 18 July 2016

I get Money From Commercials Than Music- Zapp Mallet

Legendary music producer and sound engineer, Zapp Mallet, has revealed how recording commercials is currently fetching him more income as compared to what his first love, music production, puts in his pocket.

According to Zapp, producing music could get better in terms of monetary gains if some musicians would pay generous fees to selfless engineers who work tirelessly on their songs.

”Most of the time, what an artiste is willing to pay for a track does not even reach half of what can be made from one commercial. I’m therefore making money from commercials, jingles and the likes, than I earn from music production.” Zapp Mallet disclosed to Flex Newspaper.

He continued, ”Currently, there’s no motivation to produce music. Some of us come from a generation where we work for the love of the job, but the motivation changes at a certain stage. I’m still hanging on because I do it for the passion. I wish musicians would pay more. The system is rough for everybody, but I wish it gets better.”

The renowned producer added that, this low income is not as if he is being overtaken by the reigning sound engineers. Experience and expertise, he said, are crucial and that is one thing that keeps musicians trooping into his studio. They just do not pay well.

”In the name of hype, lies have become truth. I hope these sound engineers who claim they are making enough money from music production are indeed earning it. With my experience in this industry, I know what’s on the ground in real life. Producers outside are making huge sums of money. Let’s work hard for an industry where everybody earns what is due them’’, Zapp Mallet concluded.

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