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Friday 29 July 2016

Ghana would be flooded with contemptuous comments if President Mahama accedes to pressures being mounted on him to grant presidential pardon to the Montie trio.

The Supreme on Wednesday, July 27, sentenced Alistair Nelson, Godwin Ako Gunn, and Salifu Maase, alias Mugabe to four months in jail for threatening to kill justices of the Supreme Court.

This is according to policy advisor for the Progressive Peoples Party (PPP), Kofi Asamoah Siaw.
The contemnors were also fined a sum of GHC10000 each. Owners of the station including who 
were found guilty of contemptuous comments were also fined a sum of GHC 60,000. 
Lawyers for the contemnors have petitioned president Mahama to invoke Article 72 of the constitution to grant their clients pardon.
A group aligned  to the National Democratic Congress has opened a petition book requesting a presidential pardon for jailed broadcaster Salifu Maase, and two other radio panellists Alistair Nelson and Godwin Ako Gunn.
But Kofi Asamoah Siaw disagrees with the petition adding that pardon if granted, it will “embolden other future offenders” to take a similar course.
“They are going to say that once we do it in the name of a party that is in government, once we do it in the name of a presidential candidate because of certain powers we have, we will be pardoned and therefore the fear of the punishment of contempt becomes useless,” he said on Accra-based Citi FM.

"A Petition Book has been opened at the premises of Radio Gold at Laterbiokoshie and the Freedom Centre at Kokomlemle requesting abatement of the sentence and/or a Presidential Pardon. All are encouraged to go and sign the books at any of the two places," The Research and Advocacy Platform (RAP) said in a statement signed by its convener, Abu Razak.
RAP condemned the custodial sentence imposed on the three as "excessive and has the potential to severely curtail the right to free speech which is a fundamental right enshrined in the 1992 Constitution."
The Research and Advocacy Platform said it is taking a number of steps aimed at mobilising Ghanaians of all shades of opinion to Petition the President to invoke Article 72 of the Constitution to offer the imprisoned three a reprieve from this harsh sentence.
On Thursday afternoon, irate supporters of the NDC gathered in front of the party's headquarters in Accra to press home their demand for the release of the trio who were sentenced to four month imprisonment by the Supreme Court.
They implored on the president to invoke Article 72 of the Constitution.
Article  72(1) of the 1992 constitution says  that the President may in consultation with the Council of State grant a person convicted of an offence a pardon either free or subject to lawful conditions
A group aligned  to the National Democratic Congress has opened a petition book requesting a presidential pardon for jailed broadcaster Salifu Maase, and two other radio panellists Alistair Nelson and Godwin Ako Gunn.
The three were sentenced to four month imprisonment by the Supreme Court on Wednesday following contempt proceedings against them.
They had threatened to harm the judges who sat on the case challenging the suitability of the voters' register by Abu Ramadan and Garry Nimako in a radio discussion on Accra-based Montie FM.

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