hot writing micro niche

Wednesday 27 July 2016

(GIBA) has launched a new code of conduct that would regulate the use of intemperate languages on the airwaves.

According to him, the country could thrive if stakeholders including journalist imbibe professionalism in their line of duty. He said the code has, “eighteen articles and chief amongst the articles in no particular order has to do with professionalism, article 2 is; monitoring and evaluation, then, objectionable broadcast material, we have bribery and corruption, integrity, right to rejoinder, editorial independence

 “There are sanctions that would be meted out to those who don’t comply”  he added
Executive Council Member of the association, George Foster indicated that the move is intended to press home the need for persons within the media scope to work in accordance with the laid down code of conducts.
George Foster who spoke on a Kumasi-based Kapital Radio stressed on the need for journalist to comply with the ethics of the profession and to be responsible in their reportage.
“Make sure that whatever facts you are coming out with, whatever report you are coming out with, you have checked and then re-checked and then you should be in the position to defend it. Much more importantly, if you know that whatever it is you are going to spew out will incite people, would make people go combustible then you have to manage it and be very decorous in whatever you say,” he said
Amongst the dignitaries who graced the occasion Chairperson of Electoral Commission (EC) Madam Charlotte Osei, President for National Peace Council Most Rev Prof. Emmanuel Asante, President of Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) Roland Affail Monney, Dr. Chief P. A Crystal Djiracko representing Council of Elders, the National Media Commission Chair, Kwasi Gyan Apenteng, and Head of Office at UNESCO, Tirso Dos Santos.
The Electoral Commission (EC) used the occasion to urge the media to support its work by educating the electorate on their role during the elections.
She added that the work of the commission would be meaningless if the electorates do not know their rights and responsibilities.
None of the political parties can achieve their aims if the voters are not properly educated on how to exercise their franchise, and so we at the Electoral Commission believe that the democratic process will be greatly improved if the members of GIBA will grant the Electoral Commission more time and attention to engage and educate voters better.” She said
Madam Charlotte Osei threw more light on the role the media plays in the education of the electorate

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