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Wednesday 27 July 2016

According to the channel, named End Time Prophecies, the world is ending by July 29, 2016, 360nobs reports.

This is Armageddon News. In this broadcast we’ll discuss the second coming of Jesus Christ, which occurs at the same time as a magnetic polar flip and catastrophic global earthquake.

Using a lot of Scriptural references, the video above claims that the the second coming of Jesus Christ will be prompted by a magnetic polar flip and catastrophic global earthquake.
On the day which Jesus returns, there will be a polar reversal.
Revelations 6:12 says, ‘There was a violent earthquake, and the Sun became black like coarse black cloth, and the moon turned completely. The stars fell down to the Earth, like ripe figs falling from the tree when a strong wind shakes it. Every mountain and island is moved from its place.
The polar flip will make the stars race across the sky, and the vacuum createrd by the reeling of the Earth will pull the atmosphere along the ground, trying to catch up.
The global earthquake will be so bad that every hill and mountain will crumble.

Revelations 6:15 says, ‘The kings of the Earth, the Princes, the commanding officers, the rich, the strong and every slave and free person hid themselves… from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb", the video predicts.
Image result for End Time Prophecy (metro)
The prophecy is accompanied with a lot of verses and CGI graphics.
This is just the latest in the long strings of doomsday prophecies, including the falling of an asteroid on May 6, and Barack Obamarevealing himself as the Antichrist, last month (June, 2016).

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