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Monday 3 October 2016


Image result for Apostle Abraham Lincoln Angoh

With barely two months to the 7th December,2016 presidential and parliamentary elections,the church Pentecost across the country,especially Bompata Area has intensify its voters educations with the launch of the ''Agent of peace campaign''.Apostle Abraham Lincoln Angoh,the Bompata Area Head of the church of Pentecost performed the official launch by the Bompata area version of the agent peace campaign at Asafo central chapel assemble last Friday in kumasi,after the official launching by the chairman of the church ,Apostle (prof) Opoku  Onyinah recently in Accra.

He used the occasion to caution the Ministers and the leaders of the church,especially to help ensure peaceful elections before,during and after 2016 polls devoid of all acts that have the tendency to create trouble. According to him,pastors and church leaders have great influence in the local church. Therefore,they need to be circumspect in their conduct and pronouncements during this electioneering period.
Apostle(rtd) James smith Gyimah, Rev.Emmanuel Badu Amoah,the Ashanti regional executive secretary of peace council among others enumerated a number of guidelines to help the leaders and members of the church to ensure peace.Key among the guidelines.he mentioned were''do not use the church pulpit as a political platform to propagate your support for a particular party or candidate''.The Bompata area head said in the same vein,the leaders of the church should not speak disparagingly about the party or candidate they do not like from their pulpit.As much as possible, for the sake of unity of your congregation,keep your political persuasions private,and if possible,avoid wearing party colors in church and other public places'',he suggested.
Apostle Angoh also took hundreds of members at the launching who were given copies of agent of peace fliers through the benefit of voting,who qualifies as a voter?how they conduct themselves as ''agent of peace'',during the electioneering period,some suggestions for acceptable behavior as gents of peace,what they should do,before voting day among other dos and don'ts.Apostle A.L Angoh reminded the members if the church and  Ghanains as a whole that,intolerance of any kind,be it political, religious, ethnicity etc,poses a great threat to the peace and stability of any society.
According to him,the conflicts that have plagued many countries,with the carnage and untold suffering are largely due to people's inability or unwilling to tolerate each other's views. He observed that,statistics indicate that Christians form about 70 percent of Ghanaian population,and every twentieth Ghanaian is a member of the church of Pentecost.''If we all determine to treat every person with respect and dignity,irrespective of their tribe,religion or political leanings,tolerant and peaceful elections'',he urged.  The Bompata area head also praised the chairman of the church of Pentecost ,Apostle(prof)  Opoku Onyinah
 and executive council for the initiative of the agent of peace campaign which is expected to be replicated through all areas,districts to the local level, as part of the church's contributions to ensure peace before,during and after the December polls.
Rev. Emmanuel Badu Amoah,the Ashanti Regional Executive Secretary of peace council.

Image result for past chairman of the church of pentecost

Image result for executive council of the church of pentecost

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